
Showing posts from March, 2020

The morning routine

Dr. Douglas has 13 years in recovery

It's ok to take a break

Remaining calm in chaos

Stay away from the hype

Lean in to each other

13yrs today for Sarah

You have a say in how you are in the world

Friends in recovery with no meeting to attend

We have a choice in how we are with each other

Refuse to let go of hope

Every day we can make a decision to have a good day

Are you kidding right now?

Change IS the only constant

Perpetual "I am sorry" has to stop

I never get lucky!

Don't give up

I will become Dr. David A. Douglas

Sitting on a porch on 6th and Sprague in Tacoma

The do's and dont's of being willing

You have a lot of say, you are not powerless

What if?

I am not a victim, I have say over my life

Take the job you can get until you can get the one you want

I started with my sister buying me a pair of shoes

Take each day as it comes