How do I get motivated? I make my bed everyday.....

I remember thinking "I just can't get motivated".....and then I would do nothing....believing that I had to wait for some feeling to come along to get me off the couch and into action.    It was in early recovery that I was introduced to a man named Bob Moawad.    Bob was a motivational speaker who was included in a program I went to in early recovery to support me staying in recovery through his motivational talks. Every morning we would watch one of his series of motivational speeches. 

In one of them he talked about the science behind getting motivated.....and for me, ever since that time in 1996, it stuck.    He talked about the "when" getting motivated.  I learned that it happens when you put one foot in front of the other.   Motivation doesn't come by us sitting idle and doing what I used to do......sit there and wonder why I couldn't get motivated to get busy and do something with my life.  That never happened, I stayed stuck.

The only thing that happened with that mindset is a perpetual cycle of nothingness.   It was like thinking that someday someone would come to my door and pull me off the couch and help me get motivated.  That just wasn't going to happen.  The motivation came the second I got off the couch and went out into the world. 

To this day I have times where I get stuck.........stuck sitting inside the house thinking the same thoughts I used too.   The difference now, with practicing getting busy, is I don't stay there long anymore.  I have the skills, tested through time and action, to put one foot in front of the other again and again.   Every time I get up and get busy, I want to do more, I get motivated.   It's a beautiful thing! I now KNOW that motivation comes with action.  The more action I put in, the more motivation I get to do the next indicated thing.     I have a few practices that are in my every day life that help me get into action.

One, I make the bed everyday.  I have done this for several years and it helps me to one, stay out of the mindset of going back to bed.  In my life I have struggled with depression and laying in bed was something I used to do.  Now, I make the's harder to get back into a bed that is made up for the day.

Two, I open all the blinds and's habit.  Every morning I go around and open the house up and let the light in!   This is another action that gets my feet moving in the morning.   I see outside first thing in the morning and it's my cue to go outside.     This happens right after I make the bed......and it works it's magic.   This brings me to number three.

Three, I go outside first thing in the morning.  The girls, Daisy and Cheba, love their morning walks.  Well, Cheba does for sure,  Daisy is sometimes like me if it is cold or raining, there is some hesitation.  But, we do it everyday.    Even if it is a short walk, we get outside every morning.  It is a great time to think about the day ahead and breathe in the morning air.

Those three actions are what get my motivation going for the day.    Physically doing things to get me in the right mindset of starting the day on a positive note.     The beauty of them all is that they work their own magic......I do other little things in addition to these simply because I am moving around the house......get some coffee, eat some breakfast, and turning the music on. 

Getting busy IS how I get motivated. 

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” 


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