Screw negativity!

I am not going to let it happen, I refuse to make the choice to ride the wave of negativity that can easily take over my brain if I let it. Every day I have a choice to make. I can CHOOSE to take in the negative or I can CHOOSE to take in the positive.

I can choose to read the news, the latest media outlets hyped up headline that fuels negativity. I can choose to scroll and stop at the latest post where people are arguing with each other over what they believe one another should or shouldn't be doing.  I can choose to stay isolated in my head and ruminate about the uncertainty we are all facing. Or, I can choose the positive.

I can choose to limit my news intake. I can choose to allow myself to only view it in very limited doses. Enough to know what is happening and that's it. I can choose to use my social media feeds to life my spirits and not bring them down.  I can choose to hide the negative and walk away. I can choose to keep in touch with family and friends through whatever means at my disposal to know there is love out there. I can choose to fill my brain in each 24hr period with much more positive than negative.

We will get through this. I am confident of that. I will not waver from my belief that in times like this, even more than any other time in the world, we NEED positivity.

Today, I choose positivity.


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