I think we, the citizens, should take our country back

How would mere citizens do this monumental task of "taking our country back".....

We could start by going back to knowing who our neighbors are where we live.  Throw out our individual ideological "right" and "left" beliefs that are likely based on the medias interpretation of what is right and wrong and really get know one another.

I think by doing that seemingly small act it would spur some realistic conversations that are happening now but in a short loose fashion.  The conversations that point to the fact that the ultra rich are dangling us around like puppets.  While we work our asses off to get no where, they enjoy the high life.  Everyone has some idea that this happening, and know it isn't the way it should be, yet are afraid to say so for fear of the "right" or "left" coming down on them.

We are controlled by fear in many ways by many of the government institutions, media outlets, and money driven businesses, politicians, and others in power.   By telling us that we need to think this way or that, they keep us in a state of non belief of the reality that we are getting screwed.   While we, the citizens, toil and labor, pay taxes, and work for next to nothing, the ultra rich get paid exuberant amounts for doing near nothing.


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