The Ridge

I remember my first hike up The Ridge like it was yesterday.  It was more like four years ago.  I was an emotional train wreck at the time.  I was going through a divorce, my dog was dying, and my business was sucking the financial life out of me.  Depression was my middle name.  I was staying at some friends and they suggested we go hike "The ridge."  I did not have any desire to be outside in life, let alone go hiking, but they insisted, and the rest is history.  I have been hiking the ridge ever since.

The ridge is my church.  It is my place to get in touch with God, get outside, exercise, and overall be able to rewind my clock.  I crave the ridge if I haven't been up in awhile.  Without it I would struggle.  It would be like someone not being able to go to the church they have been going to for a long time.  

Now that I have another dog in my life she is learning about the ridge too.  She likes it a lot. Well, at least I think she does, how do I really know?  Like she has a choice in the matter, right?  At any rate, she climbs with me, and I am glad for that.  

Thanks for being there ridge!


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