It's hard to keep hope alive right now

We are in a pandemic and are thrust right into protests and riots after the murder of George Floyd. It's hard to keep hope alive when you go from one crazy once in a lifetime situation right into another. Yet, I believe in my heart that there is hope for better days. I refuse to let go of hope.

The pandemic has had us in our homes on lock down for months. I remember when it started we were "all in this together".  While there was a lot of fear and panic, what kept me moving forward is knowing that we were all going through the same thing.....a once in a lifetime situation that no one had experienced before. I remember myself, initially having a serious sense of fear, but, I was able to look at the whole of the situation of lessen that fear. Over time I was able to get up each day and have hope for a new day.  I refused to let go of hope.  

Now, we are witnessing rage across our nation due to ongoing issues with the treatment of black people in our society. While this isn't a new situation, with the murder of George Floyd, the powder keg has exploded everywhere. People are desperate for change. I am seeing again where we are all saying the same thing; change must happen. In some sense, we are in this together.  I say in some sense because I am a white man and know that I can never know what it is like to be a black man in America. I just can't. I can empathize though and truly want to see change for my fellow man.  I refuse to let go of hope that change can happen. 

Hope is what keeps me going in life. I have lived through crazy times in my personal walk through life. I have been in places and experienced life altering moments where I didn't have but a small sliver of hope.  Yet, even in my darkest days, it was there. Sometimes just a flicker of hope at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. Hope is what has kept me alive and being willing to move forward.

I believe hope can be increased through action.  I believe hope can be shown through change in our behaviors. I believe hope can come through anger. I believe hope, the largest amount of it, will come through love. Sometimes love isn't the kind we might of love we might think it is.  Where we join hands and just walk away smiling and happy to be together. No, real love is having difficult conversations about needed change.  Real love, that will give hope, is being willing to get uncomfortable with needed change in our behavior. That's what will really inspire hope. Love IS the answer, that is a fact.  Working through difficult times requires love.  Love for our fellow man. Love for needed change. Hope for all who walk with us through this thing called life.  


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