Sometimes I have these "what if" scenarios come up in my mind. They are usually far fetched, but they are what they goes. 

What if......every person who is allowing another adult to live in their house rent free, who also feed this adult, and give this adult other resources, when this person is fully capable of either working or getting an education...
What if......they said that the adult had 30 days to get a job or enroll in an vocational or general education program. If they didn't they had to move out. 
What if......they stuck to this boundary. If the adult, who is fully capable of doing either option didn't do so, they followed through and showed them the door. 

Makes you wonder if some things in our society might shift. I am speaking to all those young men out there who are in this type of situation.

What if..... your steady source of free room and board runs dry, than what?

I am challenging all young men to get out there and be self sufficient. Jobs are out there, maybe not the one you want, but could the one you need. 

Who am I to say these things? Well, I have been the one to live off another, I get your plight. It's tough looking for a job. 
Now, looking back, those initial jobs I had, at Subway, in small restaurants making little money, all the while getting shanked for half my check to pay child support, that was the start of something much much better. Time takes time and you can start now, or you can start later. One thing is for sure, the clock keeps ticking.

You CAN do this. Take blame out of the game and make yourself and others proud. 


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