Societies divisions driven by our leaders

Last nights State of the Union clearly shows how our leaders are teaching society to stay divided......

How is that a society that was created on being "one people" is now divided into two?  During the State of the Union address one party sits on one side, and the other, well on the other side.  Complete division, right down the middle.

So, should we be surprised that on any normal working day that our congress doesn't get along and gets very little accomplished?  I think not given that in a huge dog and pony show where they show the people of the nation, through something as simple as seating in the house chamber, that they are divided.  Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other.  Clearly divided.

This is what our nation has come too.  A clear, one side or the other.  Until this division is addressed, little will get done.

A president, no matter left, right, or in between, will get little accomplished if he is speaking to a room where they are divided down the middle.

I think the President should be a true leader and shut this down.  The President should have said "uh, no children, this is not how this will go tonight.  Everyone up and move around.  I want everyone sitting 'together' not apart".   That simple act could change a lot.

Until then, our country remains divided.


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